Author Archives: Jay Shaffstall
Python Static Site Generators
So, I have this personal project I’m working on that involves having a static site with information about products, combined with a storefront. I don’t need the majority of the dynamic features of something like WordPress, so I wanted to … Continue reading
A Python Physics Sandbox
One of the labs I give to my Intro to Computer Science students is writing an interesting physics simulation. I started using that lab when we were using the Calico IDE, an educational IDE that comes with some built in … Continue reading
Laravel 5.2’s Authentication
I recently started using Laravel 5 (after having written a fair amount in Laravel 4) and was excited to find authentication built into Laravel 5. Well, you do have to execute “artisan make:auth” after you create your project, but after … Continue reading
Kivy Widget Colors
So, I’ve been playing a bit with using Kivy for programming mobile applications. I chose Kivy for a couple of reasons: 1) I like Python, and am always looking for an excuse to use it 2) Cross platform compiling is … Continue reading
Lost In Time – A Kid’s Introduction to LARPing
At Origins this year, I’ll be running a kid’s LARP. Since the theme is time travel, I decided to do a LARP where the kids are modern day kids tossed back in time. They have to fix something that’s wrong … Continue reading
Non-Combat Skyrim, Day 4
It turns out that the next instrument was near to Winterhold, not Windhelm. Who can keep these provincial cities straight? While in Windhelm, though, the East Empire Company asked me to look into the pirates that were plaguing them, to … Continue reading
Non-Combat Skyrim, Day 3
At first I thought the bards of Solitude would be more to my liking than the rest of the city. And being a bard would be a great way to travel while waiting to make my way back to Cyrodiil. … Continue reading
Non-Combat Skyrim, Day 2
[For those not in the know, this is an in-character account of my attempt to play a strictly non-combat character in Skyrim. I like a challenge, so my restriction is that my character never fights anything. I wanted to see … Continue reading